About Us




The Rockdale County Autism Support Group is a family-centered organization that aims to enhance and empower the lives of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and their families through a variety of community based activities, awareness and education.


The Rockdale County Autism Support Group strives to create a community where people on the autism spectrum and their families receive respect, services, and support based on individual differences, needs and preferences.

The goals of the Rockdale County Autism Support Group are:

  • to provide opportunities for individuals with ASD and their families to interact, share, learn and gain support from other group members and guest speakers through monthly Support Group meetings;
  • to serve as a liaison between the autism community and local service providers and to advocate for high-quality autism resources in our county;
  • to connect families and individuals with community resources;
  • to provide opportunities to increase autism awareness and resources in the community to enhance the education and lives of individuals on the Autism spectrum;
  • to provide opportunities for individuals with ASD to develop friendships, learn and participate in positive life experiences;;
  • to offer Autism-friendly activities and events for our families to enjoy as part of a supportive community;
  • to fundraise as a means to support our goals and create an awareness and understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorders within the local wider community; and
  • to assist parents of children with Autism better understand and accept their children’s unique world view.



  • Supports, programs and inclusive environments are accessible to everyone.
  • Individuals and their families will feel safe, respected, and supported.
  • All individuals, regardless of their abilities, have the potential to thrive when supported by caring and knowledgeable families and communities.
  • Families are integral to supporting the needs and celebrating the achievements of individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
  • Individuals are empowered through education and training facilitated by teamwork that values all members.


About the Rockdale County Autism Support Group

This support group developed as a result of growing concern among local parents of children with autism about the resources and programming available to children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Autism, PDD, PDD-NOS and Asperger’s Syndrome) in the Rockdale County area. Founded as the Rockdale County Autism Support Group Inc. in 2009, the organization was established to identify resources and connect families. In 2013, the organization received its non-profit status,

The RCASG is a 501(c)(3) non-profit incorporated organization for families of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).  This unique collaboration of parents, professionals and community members who provide quality support, training, and programming that is accessible to all for children and adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, their families and those who work with them.

RCASG membership is comprised of individuals with ASD and those who love them. Members, families, caretakers and professionals are provided with support and information pertaining to the latest interventions and educational practices, therapies, and available programs for individuals with ASD. We also provide opportunities for those living with ASD to overcome social barriers in an effort to help those with autism live full and independent lives.

The programs and activities of RCASG are designed to inform and educate parents/caregivers and professionals, and provide referrals, resource information, and opportunities for families. We help families connect with appropriate services through collaboration with numerous agencies within the county. Through support groups and parent education programs, the organization also provides families the opportunity by which to meet other families and professionals in the community, thereby affording them the ability to develop a network of support based on their individual needs.
The RCASG is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of parents, professionals and friends of individuals with autism.


About Us — 1 Comment

  1. This is ABSOLUTELY the kind of care I have been searching for not only for my little brother, Coty. He is 28yrs old now, has Down Syndrome and is currently going through a VERY DIFFICULT time os ALL OF OUR LIVES…It is called “Downs Syndrome Regression”. A Mental/Neurological Illness that stems from Catatonic Depression, which comes about as a result of Depression gone without addressing in a timely manner. My mother, her husband, and my brother have moved back to Myrtle Beach, SC this past August, from Indiana before that was Denver. Prior to him living in Denver with only her and his new stepfather, he was born and spent the first 12/13 years of his life with US here in his childhood home. Our mother at that time was struggling herself with Depression and could not handle what life had thrown at us as a family. Which was our Dad diagnosed with “Throat Cancer” at age 51. He journeyed through a 16hour surgery, radiation, and Chemotherapy. Unfortunately and shockingly our mother could not handle the stress,hardships, and demands of loved ones needs and choose to remove herself from what she had always been to us, a WIFE and our MOM. Coty, was left in my suck Dad’s care, full time…couple years! Between my Dad and MYSELF (our middle brother was in the Army in Europe), shared the duties and responsibilities of continuing to raise a very Special young man. Needless to say, Coty has had plenty of trauma to bring on such sever depression. And, as much as I have searched and searched…I cant seem to nail down an experianced General Practioner. Any advice would be PRICELESS!!! THX ~Amy Crenshaw-Gillenwater

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