Holiday Respite at the Marcus Autism Center


marcus autism center

The Marcus Center offers scheduled respite care opportunities for current patient families of Marcus Autism Center. Families must be refferred by a Marcus Autism Center provider to attend a respite care opportunity.

The goal of our respite care opportunities is to provide our patient families with an opportunity to rest and recharge.

The next Respite Care day is:

Saturday, December 12th, 2015 10am-1pm

Marcus Autism Center*

Who can attend: Children ages 2-12 with an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis who were referred by a provider at Marcus Autism Center.

Children should be comfortable in a room with other children of similar age. Any participant should have no unmanageable or dangerous behaviors. One sibling ages 2-12 may also attend, space permitting.

Cost: $5 per child

Food: Lunch will be provided.

Activities: We will show a movie and have age-appropriate activities for the children. No clinical intervention services will be provided during this time.

Pre-registration is required.

Registration can be mailed or dropped off at the Marcus Autism Center.

RSVP by Monday, December 7 th to Laura Webb at 404-785-9425 or

If you are unable to attend, we would love to get your feedback so we can improve our services. What days and times would work best for your family (weeknights, Saturdays, Sundays, etc.)?

* Medical staff will not be on the premises during the event.

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